Friday, December 21, 2012

Oh my fukin' GOD

After the virginity scam was exposed, even Nora couldn't lie anymore. She scrambles to come up with a story to save face, claiming that she's settling down in a "respectable marriage" with a "fine man of God", but in return backfires, validating not only the rumors surrounding her but digging up more lies. This time criminal! Here we are introduced to the dumb twats current trophy husband who turns out to be a bigger fraud than the trick herself:

Yeah you sure read right, he robbed a fricken CHURCH!
If you ever needed a judge of character. A man of God indeed. God seemingly needed a moving man to move the heavy safe out the church's back door.

Fail of the century. In actuality, Nora just married her crackhead drug dealer out of desperation. He likes to call himself "Jungle Geno". Makes sense, since only a cave man would venture into that disease infested pussy. Though it's the police that know him more intimately as "Cigarette Butt Boy", from leaving a trail of cigarette butts directly to catching his dumb ass.

Think people- It completely debunks that she is nothing like you thought. If you claimed to be a "pure virginous religious saint" and "living your life for christ", why would you involve yourself with such scum? Answer: She's as lowlife as him.

I actually grew up in a pretty bad neighborhood myself. I never heard of any virgin saints hanging out with drug dealers in the ghetto. There's only 1 type of woman that does that... a crack whore.

Another thing to ponder- Why in the world is she paying for his restitution? Because they were following her fucked up orders!! There's much more than meets the eye here... and trust me, we spread it wide open...

Now I may be a proud Atheist myself. I do not believe in god, Zeus, Puff The Magic Dragon or approve of priests molesting little boys. That would make me a christian.

I may believe that churches are brainwashing delusion factories indoctrinating the masses, but still, robbing from a church??? God damn!

Sources say that Rick & Bonnie Greenwald were highly distraught over this marriage, and who can blame them, but let's make it clear that we got nothing against Cuntwald's parents (other than producing the evil twat).

Ol' Rick is ashamed of his daughter, and we feel for you too Bon. Not only do you find out your little girl is a delusional pathological lying whore, but now the whole world knows she's into drugs! Plus you got to deal with that alcoholic biological son of yours too.

(Don't worry Lukie, we'll be getting to you real soon pal... ;-)

So where did you both go wrong??? Feel free to sit on my couch and let me know anytime. Jack will pay up to $3.10 for an interview. CA$H. You can split it 50/50.

Anyway, please do read up here on Eugene's superstar biography in the Star Tribune to get a feel for this creep. Gene has even made death threats over this video.

uh asshole, it's public info from a newspaper.
Besides, YOU were the one who decided to rob from a god damn church!

Obviously he's got some serious mental problems too, and now listening to Nora is his biggest one of all. Enjoy your fame and good luck bro. I'll be praying to Santa for you!

*Team Cunt PWNS!*

ARRESTED / BUSTED robbing a CHURCH for his whore wife! Geno Benshoof aka "Cigarette Butt Boy". Police followed the crackheads trail of cigarette butts. Drug dealer husband of Nora "Molly Holly" Greenwald (WWE). Webmaster for MNTC Teen Challenge christian brainwashing CULT.
Cigarette Butt Boy

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