Amidst the confusion and rumors, an investigation was spawned, thanks to the fine detective work of the notorious Clyde Ca$h, leading to an anonymous member of the Greenwald family who reveals the not so shocking truth that "sweet innocent Mowy Howy" was only an act. Who knew?!? Basement dwelling, VHS watching, virgin markboys shat bricks on this day:
Some points: Does any normal person care that she really wasn't a virgin? Outside of maybe the guys she lied to, or a handful of 400lb wrestling fans... Nah, you couldn't pay me to fuck the skank. The problem is that she spread this lie in her life for over 15 years! , and that had nothing to do with her WWE character. Most of her own family was duped (besides this one of course).
The real value of the information is that it proves Noreen to be a pathological liar who cannot be trusted. It shows that she has serious psychological issues to upkeep a work for so long, down to fooling her own mother and father, and that she is insane enough to believe she could get away with it forever. Now that is important to know! It's typical behaviour of religious con-artists since their entire religion is based off a delusion to begin with.
It all begs the simple question- if she lied about this then WHAT ELSE has she lied about?
Do we really have all the answers here?? Stay tuned...
*Team Cunt PWNS!*
Clyde w/ a real woman
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