Friday, December 21, 2012

"The Standard Of Fail"

We take a quick break from Twatwald and have a brief look back at the fail that is "The Standard" Mike Summers. Nora's only fan and stalker:

The video description from "MightyPoophole" is quite the read. What else could I possibly add to all that? Shit!

There's a wealth of stories about this guy being a sicko pedophile and making a general fool of himself to the California independent wrestling scene a few years ago. All because of Noreen.

Here's some links I found on an old message board. You can get a pretty good feel here of what a nusiance he was:

He was quite the lolcow but has since baleeted most of it off the internet. Those postings are about the only original thing left. His websites have been taken down. He once ran a network of sites that were online shrines obsessing over Nora, Brianna Rieffel (a pre-teen singer) and trying to impress them by promoting himself as a manager of wrestling promotions that only existed in his head. 

The more Nora ignored him, the more desperate and worse off he got, creating his obsession with the song "Numbers Don't Lie". If not for Mike, Team Cunt probably wouldn't be as strong as it is today. At the very least, he mistakenly accomplished that in life. Sure, Nora was already trolled for being a fat assed bitch, but it was her extra cold behaviour towards him that created a sideshow. The attention of his trolls shifted onto her and caused everyone to dig even deeper into her twat. She could have easily prevented or calmed down the entire thing with a little of something called "kindness".

Nora only attracts the finest. It's the result of her own sociopathic attitude. He's now most commonly known as "The Standard Of Stalking", "The Standard Of Dick Sucking" or most popular "The Standard Of Fail" for his many failures. About the only thing Mike has going for him, is the fact that he's possibly less of a failure than Nora herself these days. Funny how life turns around.

But Summers hasn't been heard from in a long long time. It's no coincidence that after Nora got exposed as a fraud, he disappeared in shame.

So if anyone has any updates, feel free to send them in... but I hope he's in jail. Christian pedo scum.

*Team Cunt PWNS!*

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